Navigation camera, surface camera and 360 imager
The Lunar Volatiles Mobile Instrumentation (LUVMI) rover is a modular rover platform for the investigation of lunar volatiles in and around the permanently shaded regions of the Moon. The mission aims to scout such regions and make in-situ measurements to inform the selection of future mission landing sites.
Following the success of the first stage of this project (LUVMI) where the key technology was demonstrated, the LUVMI-X project was launched which will further develop the protoype rover.
The LUVMI-X rover will utilises imagers being developed by Dynamic Imaging Analytics, providing robust, miniaturised, high signal to noise and high dynamic range images in 3D to aid in the autonomous navigation of the rover platform.
The mission is led by the LUVMI-X consortium: a group of European partners from Belgium,Germany and the UK and is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
To learn more about the LUVMI-X project visit:
2015-2019 seasons
With our experience in developing space technologies to operate in harsh and variable environments, we have transferred technology for use at the pinnacle of motorsport engineering.
We have developed cutting-edge vehicle performance enhancing solutions for two world championship winning teams.
Working in this fast-paced environment we are able to protoype and test technologies which are then spun back into the space technology domain, increasing their technology readiness levels (TRL).
2018 schools experiment launched onboard NASA rocket
Dynamic Imaging Analytics funded and led this micro gravity and 3D imaging experiment called SμGRE-1(Schools micro-gravity rocket experiment). The aim of the mission was to test novel 3D imaging techniques tracking the trajectory and interactions of objects in micro-gravity. It involved 150 international schools making sugar cube sized sculptures that went into space on the NASA WRX-R sounding rocket. The rocket mission had four other experiments onboard and was led by the University of Penn State.
On the 4th April 2018 the rocket was launched from the Pacific Marshall Islands, which are located approximately halfway between Hawaii and Australia. The rocket reached a maximum height of 127 miles above the Earth and a velocity of 4,138 mph.
On the return to Earth the WRX-R rocket splashed down in the Pacific Ocean and was recovered by a famous naval ship. SμGRE-1 and its flight data were retrieved. The schoolchildren’s sculptures were returned to them as a souvenir along with a certificate to certify that their creation had flown into space.
Watch interviews with the key engineers on the rocket mission, follow the journey and watch the WRX-R rocket launch video on the SμGRE-1 YouTube channel:
Ruggedized 3D microscope for the Moon
Set to launch on the Luna-27 mission, the PROSPECT /ProSPA instrument will house ‘SamCam’: a camera developed by Dynamic Imaging Analytics.
This camera will provide images of lunar rock and ice samples drilled and collected from under the Moon’s surface. The 3D and multispectral capability of SamCam provides geological information and enables scientist to make an estimation of the sample size and mass before further analysis with mass spectrometry.
PROSPECT is a programme of and funded by the European Space Agency (ESA). The ProSPA consortium is led by the Open University, UK.
Camera technology to profile crop health and diverse uses
Dynamic Imaging Analytics are developing small, lightweight multi-spectral cameras that measure chlorophyll levels in plants and vegetation.
One application for this technology is its use in measuring and monitoring crop health.
This is an example of pioneering technology developed for space that is applied for use on earth.

Make your own LUVMI-X Lunar Rover
MAKE YOUR OWN LUVMI-X LUNAR ROVER This winter DIAL engineers applied their skills to designing a LUVMI-X rover model for

DIAL at MK Innovates, Centre:MK
DIAL AT MK INNOVATES, CENTRE:MK This October the LUVMI-X Lunar Rover working prototype took a trip over the English channel

Engineering Your Future, MK College
ENGINEERING YOUR FUTURE, MILTON KEYNES COLLEGE Following the success of last year’s event, Biztech returned with their dedicated engineering event